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RaRa_Team ♠ Foolish Unrequited Love (Ⅰ) (Audio) (En Version 1)



새벽에 그간 밀렸던 2곡이 등록이 되었다. 머 계엄령 때문에 갑자기 시끄러워졌지만~ 일단 개인적으로 보는 것은 피아식별이 되었다는 느낌이다. 워낙 간첩이 많은 대한민국이고, 그런 간첩에 의해 중국을 위해 일하는 것들이 워낙 많아서 공산화 직전의 한국이란 것을 피부로 느끼고 있었으니까.

즉, 줄서기를 잘못하면 그야말로 한국은 나락간다는 이야기다. 대한민국의 주인은 현재의 우리지만 언제든지 바뀔 수 있다는 이야기다. 중국을 위해 정치하는 것들에 의해 95% 이상은 중국화가 진행되었던 만큼 위험한 상황인데 미 대선에서 트럼프가 되면서 그나마 간첩의 색출이 가능해지지 않았을까? 하는 생각인데 최근 민주당의 행태나 법안을 만드는 것 보면 대놓고 사회주의로 가려고 하는 것이 눈에 보였다. 

여하튼 일부러 정치 이야기를 하지 않는 것이니까. 

이번 영문판 첫곡은 'Foolish Unrequited Love'이다. '어리석은 짝사랑'이란 노래를 번역해서 만든 곡인데 국문판이랑은 곡의 순서가 다르기에~ 

country pop 장르를 바탕으로 만들었다. 미국의 대중적인 장르로 folk와도 비슷한 맥락이긴 하지만 미국의 색깔이 더 강한 느낌이라고 보면 되지 않을까? 




[Foolish Unrequited Love]

[Verse 1]

If I could go back in time,

Would I be able to meet you again?

There were so many words

I couldn't say to you.

When you were struggling,

I wasn't there by your side.

I'm sorry I couldn't reach out.


Yeah, we were never anything

to each other, right?

That’s why I couldn’t confess

back then;

I was foolish.

If we were never meant to be,

I should have at least

told you I loved you.


[Verse 2]

That’s how love was.

Words weren’t even needed.

I should have said

the words I couldn’t.

When you were struggling,

I wasn't there by your side.

I'm sorry I couldn't reach out.


Yeah, we were never anything

to each other, right?

That’s why I couldn’t confess

back then;

I was foolish.

If we were never meant to be,

I should have at least

told you I loved you.



Even after all this time,

I can't forget the lingering traces of you.

Every evening, with this empty heart,

I end up thinking of you.

Someone who was nothing to me.

La la la... La la la...


Yeah, we were never anything

to each other, right?

That’s why I couldn’t confess

back then;

I was foolish.

Thinking back now,

Even without courage,

I should have faced it, even if to regret it.



Even today, in this dark street,

Left alone,

Love searches for love.

Under the bitter influence of alcohol,

I look up at the sky,

Lost in a moment of the past,

Dreaming of reaching out to you.



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