'The Day We Met'은 힙합, 랩 장르로 설정해서 만든 곡이다. 여기에 일렉트로 팝이 가미 되어서 힙합 장르로 치우치지는 않은 것 같다. 오후에 등록이 되다 보니 밀리는 것 없이 등록이 되긴 해도 초반 처럼 바로 되지는 않는다. 현재 노래를 계속 만들어야 하나 고민이 되는게 하우링 문제가 해결되지 않아서다.
일단 오전 부터 손을 대지 않았지만 포스팅을 예약한 이후에 Suno.Ai에 들어가서 테스트를 해봐야 할 것 같다. 정 안되면 이전 버전으로 작업을 해야하지 않을까? 하는 생각이 든다. 4.0으로 업그레이드 되면서 음악적인 효과가 더 강해진 것인데 보컬의 음성까지 먹어버리면 역효과가 되니 마음에 들었던 곡을 다 지워버려야 하나 고민이 생길 만큼 좀 짜증이 난 상태이기도 하다.
[The Day We Met]
[Verse 1]
Dressed up differently than usual,
I stepped out on the street.
It felt like a special day,
A day filled with anticipation.
In my pocket, a ring meant just for you.
How should I confess my love?
I was unusually nervous, but my steps were light.
On the other side, there you were, shining bright.
I saw you waving your hand at me.
I wanted to run to you right away.
But we could never meet again.
Just a little closer, and I could have held you.
[Verse 2]
Today, I put extra care into everything
As I headed out the door.
To make this day special for you,
I even prepared a gift.
A gift kept close, just for you.
What should we do today?
My heart raced unusually fast, but waiting was sweet.
From afar, I saw you looking at me,
With joy, I waved my hand back at you.
My love smiled at me.
But I couldn’t meet him anymore.
Lying on the cold ground, all I could do was look at the sky.
I can’t see anything in front of me.
I can hear your voice, though.
My body won’t move.
Your cries make my heart ache so much.
Why, of all days,
Is today our last?
I wanted to love you more.
Ah~ Ah~ Ah~
Ah~ Ah~ Ah~
Your tears, your love, I’ll keep them even in the next world.
I loved you, a love I can’t forget even now.
In the next life, I’ll find you again, I promise.
Until then, just a brief goodbye.
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