뉴에이지 타입의 노래로 서사시적인 느낌이 필요해서 장르를 달리했다.
드라마의 OST 같은 느낌으로 진행을 했었던 것이라 '너를 찾아가겠다' 이를 영문으로 바꿔서 뉴에이지 장르로 노래를 작업해본 것이다.
RaRa_Team - 너를 찾아가겠다
매일 하나씩 음원등록을 하고 있는 중이다. 다만 아직 채널이 따로 놀아서 문제다. 내가 해결할 수 있는 것도 아니지만...그래서 RaRa_Team 이름의 채널에 같은 곡을 또 올리고 있을 뿐이다. '너를
알다시피 난 전문 음악인이 아니고 음악을 좋아하는 그냥 매일 듣는 방구석 백수일 따름이다. 그래서 AI툴을 활용해서 노래를 만들고 마음에 드는 것을 골라서 음원 등록을 하고 포스팅을 하는 것 뿐이다. 무료로 만든 것도 많으나 그건 내 것이 될 수 없기에 유료로 활용해서 내 거라고~ 주장하는 행위 중의 하나일 뿐이다. ^^
<I Will Come to You>
[Verse 1]
Before knowing you, I couldn't understand
The reason I was born into this world.
She with delicate, small hands,
She with a pure and beautiful smile,
Overflowing with love.
It was so wonderfully tearful,
Excited while looking at you,
Even those annoying little fights,
Our everyday life.
In the darkness,
Where no one could meet my gaze,
To someone like me,
You were the light.
[Verse 2]
Before seeing you, I couldn't understand
The reason I loved the world.
The space where we breathed together,
Our shade filled with love,
Grateful love.
It was so wonderfully tearful,
Always happy to be together,
Sometimes sulking and feeling blue,
Our happy everyday life.
In the sadness,
Afraid to keep anyone close,
To someone like me,
You were a dream.
Was the happiness of holding you
Too extravagant for me?
Why did the gods of the sky
Have to take you away from me?
You were my everything,
More precious than my own life,
That radiant light.
I will come to you.
Enduring because you called me,
The time when I was happy because of you,
That everyday life,
To reclaim it,
To you, who might be crying in a place unknown to anyone,
I will come.
Just as you reached out your hand to me,
Now I will find you.
Even if it takes an eternity,
To you, I will,
I will come.
RaRa_Team ♠ Our Connection Ends Here (Ⅰ) (En Version 1) (0) | 2024.08.15 |
RaRa_Team ♠ Our Awkward Relationship (Ⅰ) (En Version 1) (0) | 2024.08.13 |
RaRa_Team ♠ Now I've decided to forget (Ⅰ) (En Version 1) (0) | 2024.08.11 |
RaRa_Team ♠ 왜 자꾸만 어긋날까 (Ⅰ) (Version 1) (0) | 2024.08.09 |
RaRa_Team ♠ Growing Longing (Ⅰ) (En Version 1) 그리움만 커져가 (0) | 2024.08.09 |